Thursday, February 26, 2015

I actually read..

Hi guys, in this blog, i will be talking about a book. Now, according to my last blog, you can obviously tell that reading books equals a HUGE no no. But I have been doing something involved with books. I mean, i placed a bet that if I don't read a something by the end of the school year, i cant go to prom. well.. i'm home schooled now so prom doesn't even matter now haha. but I took it consideration, and found a loop hole. they never said anything about reading magazines. so I found this ESPN Magazine when I was at the doctors for my adorable 2 month old cousin Krischan. when I found this magazine, I was like "Oh my goodness!" I found something to win the bet. There was pretty interesting stuff in there. The magazine contained some funny jokes on how the Seahawks passed the game to the Patriots this passed Super Bowl. Still really upset about that game.. Anyways, as I was saying. They also had some really cool basketball debates. They were debating whether if my Favorite player of all time, Derrick Rose will be healthy enough to compete in the NBA All-Star Game. When i finished reading that, I called up my mom and told her that I read something. Unfortunately, I still cant go to my Junior prom :( But hey, it's life. you always don't get your way every time. Well kids, see you next time as I talk about another book, and my wild life adventures. See Ya! :D 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Today, I took a quiz about books that I enjoy reading. After I finished the quiz, My top two results were sports and comedy. As an athlete and a class clown, I felt like my results were literally a written description of my life. Okay, so the last time I've read a book was when I was in physical school last January. For my assigment in my English class, the teacher told the class to read "The Scarlet Letter". Oh my Goodness, I've never struggled on old school literature in my life. Although, this was my first time reading that kind of book, but to be honest with you, I will never read another book like that ever again.